valle d'itria
Domenica, 19/10/2025
Locorotondo (BA)
SecondiAt the beginning at least, but then we realized we could make a lot more money if we kinda stopped caring about that. Our new strategy is to write a bunch of things that look really good in the headlines, then clarify in the small print but hope people don't actually read it.
At the beginning at least, but then we realized we could make a lot more money if we kinda stopped caring about that. Our new strategy is to write a bunch of things that look really good in the headlines, then clarify in the small print but hope people don't actually read it.
At the beginning at least, but then we realized we could make a lot more money if we kinda stopped caring about that. Our new strategy is to write a bunch of things that look really good in the headlines, then clarify in the small print but hope people don't actually read it.
Successo per l'edizione zero della Valle d'Itria Leonardo Trulli Marathon, che per il suo percorso bellissimo ma ondulatissimo è già stata ribattezzata la "maratona più dura d'Italia".
Convenzioni per la Leonardo Trulli Race
La Leonardo Trulli Race è l'occasione giusta per godersi una rilassante vacanza in quel paradiso di mondo chiamato Valle d'Itria.
© 2025 Valle D'Itria Leonardo Trulli Race